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There are certain things we wait breathlessly for: the results of Presidential election, when they pick a new Pope, and the crowning of a new King Or Queen of England. Just second to those events is the tier that includes whether the groundhog sees his shadow, the release date of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, […]

The Internet is just full of false information and people dumb enough to believe it. Name a conspiracy and there seems to be an unnatural (and at times unnerving) amount of folks that think because it’s on the internet that it must be true. For some, they go down “rabbit holes” that fill them with […]

A lot of people complain about prices at the grocery store, so what would you do if your child’s trick-or-treating loot included PRACTICAL stuff like a dozen eggs . . . or a pack of bacon? A man in Massachusetts named Michael Marotta handed out ROTISSERIE CHICKENS to trick-or-treaters who stopped by his home.  He […]

When we watch movies or TV shows with high action there is inevitably a vehicle that explodes. Whether they fly off a cliff or get shot or roll over multiple times they suddenly explode. In reality that doesn’t happen as often as the film depict. Something that will greatly increase the probability of it happening […]

Going viral can happen in a few ways. Sometimes those that do see something rare that they luckily catch on film and sometimes it’s a funny situation. Can it be both? Yes. There was an earthquake the other night in San Francisco and, just like reporters here going out to ask people about snow on […]

Walk Safely Costumes for a Safe Halloween Drive Extra Safely on Halloween

It’s not an old Toy ‘R Us or Payless Shoes. It’s just someone having fun in their own house! A family decided to portray a Spirit Halloween store in their home with the activation buttons even positioned on the floor. The kids are sweet, but the adult as Michael Myers from Halloween steals the show. […]

I’m amazed by the different ways that people find to self propel themselves across water. Water skiing and surfing are the first things to come to mind, but there is gliders, sails, and even self propelled boards that look like a skateboard. One way of doing it is using what is referred to as a […]

I’ll be the first to admit I hate getting caught in traffic. This video from Portland in June is absolutely ridiculous and frightening. A man upset by a parade closing the freeway exits drives through barriers and weaves his way through a busy parade route. He almost hits pedestrians including children! The police try to […]

As parents we go through rights of passage just like our kids. When they hit a life milestone we also hit one as an adult. For instance, their first steps become us watching our first child take their first steps. When they play a sport, pick up an instrument, go on a date, or graduate […]

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