
As parents we go through rights of passage just like our kids. When they hit a life milestone we also hit one as an adult. For instance, their first steps become us watching our first child take their first steps. When they play a sport, pick up an instrument, go on a date, or graduate […]

Kids … they can be finicky, indecisive, and easily distracted. When it comes to planning a birthday party they can come up with wild ideas about what there should present and if there should be a theme involved. Boys might want a cowboy or superhero themed party and girls may want a princess or dance […]

For parents or those watching after kids we know the sting of panic that goes through our bodies when a kid can’t be found. My wife and I both experienced it and minutes feel like hours in those situations. A woman on Tik Tok recently lost track of her daughter at a children’s museum, but […]

If you’re a parent there is no way you’re perfectly dressed or made up for every occasion or event in life. Whether you throw on a ball cap to cover up your bed head or you throw a breath mint in instead of brushing your teeth because you’re running late to get the kids to […]

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