
This would be terrifying to say the least. Have you ever gotten a little too close to the edge of an overhang or roof, or maybe just the curb? That feeling you get is still a little bit of fear depending on the height and implications if you actually did fall. Have you ever thought […]

Not everyone puts up their Christmas decorations right after Halloween. Some want those pumpkins and gourds to last all the way to Thanksgiving. It’s still fall and those decorations are not just specific to one holiday. The problem is getting those orange beauties lasting long enough to last the whole season. Sometimes it’s just luck […]

This is one of those moments where someone was in the right place at the right time. In the video a woman is seen getting into her car. For whatever reason she loses track of the stroller that a baby is in and it starts to roll towards traffic. What happens next takes seconds, but […]

The old saying, “When it rains, it pours” can really explain how bad it’s going for someone. Just one moment for a famous person can be bad enough when caught on video, but when you get to two you have to figure other minor things in their life, like stubbing their toe getting out of […]

Whenever I see something like this I remember the scene in “Groundhog Day” where Bill Murray catched the kid falling out of the tree. He implores him to say, “Thank you” several times and bemoans the fact the kid never thanks him. I’m going to guess that wasn’t the case here. A man that happened […]

When there is a call for help there is more than just one type of rescue service called out for at times. Time can be of the essence and many hands make short work. Recently in Barron, Wisconsin officers and others were trying to find a snowmobiler that had broken through the ice. As they […]

The Rams won the Super Bowl on Sunday and had their celebration on Wednesday with a parade. As per usual, they had a big stage set up so that fans could see their team and bask in the win. After ceremonies were done they were on the stage mingling around when a photographer took too […]

Every year in the NFL players get injured while performing on the field. Sometimes it’s just normal cuts and bruises that come from giant guys crashing into each other at high rates of speed. While other times it can be an injury that derails them for a season or maybe even their career. There are […]

Admit it: when you’re feeling down sometimes you just need to see someone else who has it worse than you do. We like to laugh at other’s mishaps as long as it’s not devastatingly bad and everyone survived. I’ve gone down this internet hole many times and come out the other side feeling a little […]

Straight out of the book of “Holy *bleep*!” here is video of a truck going right off the freeway in Milwaukee. The truck lost control and hit the snow bank and barrier wall and sailed off the overpass and then landed on the road below. The best news is the person survived! Amazing video!

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