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Capable Canines of Wisconsin, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that trains and places service dogs. They are dedicated to providing assistance and support to children and adults living with autism, seizures, diabetes, and physical disabilities. Capable Canines serves 5 states including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan. If you would like to make a donation or […]

Not to get too biblical here, but why wouldn’t you want to rule over an entire kingdom for one day? Now this isn’t the fire and brimstone version. This is a town in Michigan where an Air bNb host has set up a Halloween themed stay where you can unofficially be the mayor for a […]

Covid-19 has sure had a major impact on all businesses. From the large to the small, they have had to make adjustments or close down altogether. It’s a sad state of affairs. One business in Michigan has found a way to give people a chance to go on a treasure hunting adventure due to their […]

OK, folks we need to do a better job of researching what we see or read on the Internet. Also, let’s try to not jump on our bandwagons whenever someone famous posts something harmless. Say an elite country star wearing a NFL Hall Of Famer’s jersey in the city the player played in posts a […]

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