
Everyone has fears. Whether they let you know it or not even the bravest person has something that makes them shake in their boots a bit. Heights, spider, snakes, speed, flying … you name it, there are people afraid of anything you can come up with. For me it isn’t height but the not having […]

The Super Bowl always has it’s moments. Whether your favorite Star Spangled Banner version was Whitney Houston or Luke Bryan or your favorite commercial of all time was Apple Computers 1984 or the Budweiser Clydesdales yearly showing there is always something to talk about. Oh, there is a game played too. This year has it’s […]

It’s along the lines of not only the movie you never asked for, but the movie you never expected or frankly even thought of. In a sure fire marketing ploy KFC is having a 15 minute “mini-movie” about a chef that falls in love with an heiress and her conniving fiance. Who’s the chef you […]

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