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Your Friendsgiving could get a major upgrade this year thanks to a new offering by The hotel booking site has announced that an entire island off the Florida coast will be available for one week next month to host your Friendsgiving celebration. The aptly named “Friendsgiving Island” boasts a 3-bed, 2-bath, 5,000-square-foot vacation home […]

Alright, I’m not afraid to try much of anything. Are there things I’ve never eaten? Sure. Are there things I may never let go past my lips. Yes. Candy is always worth giving a try as long as it doesn’t taste like something terrible already like black licorice or raw carrots or green peas. Those […]

The commercials started off cute and made you smile! Kids doing fun things with others or with their imaginations! Then we got this gem from Microsoft. After that they went straight for your heart! Taking childhood memories and sad moments that made my wife hate me for showing them to her when they popped on […]

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