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If you’ve ever heard the drop of a lady saying, “Somebody’s got a case of the Mondays”, a man yelling about how he’s good with people, or not having enough “flair” then you know why it feels good to be a gangster. The cult classic “Office Space” has inspired a glut of quotes to deal […]

We always hear about backup players coming into football games and using “late game heroics” to win the game. In the world of sports it’s a big moment and may propel that player into the limelight and bigger paychecks. To majority of the world it doesn’t affect too much of everyone’s life. This weekend though […]

When some run out, these are the people that run in. Police, fire, and EMS are the ones that head into situations where life and death may be an issue and time is of the essence. They put aside their personal safety at times to make sure someone is saved or cared for as quickly […]

Imagine being someone else for 53 years of your life and then someone tells you it’s all a terrible story. Imagine being a family that had their child stolen when she was just shy of 2 years old, and they finally find her after 51 years. That’s the story that came to a conclusion just […]

A few days ago I saw a post go out about a young man in Wisconsin who had scored his first buck. The problem was that someone stole it from his family’s residence right out of their driveway! Not cool. His dad put up a post on Facebook begging for help finding the stolen deer […]

When we are in elementary school we are taught at a young age to stay away from strangers. Not that everyone is bad, but people trying to lure you away with gifts or candy or saying that they’re lost is a bad sign and you need to run away. We never think it will happen […]

Bonfires at homecoming football games have been a long time tradition. Usually there is a rally associated with it to start the game. It was made up of spare materials from constructing the homecoming floats and a collection of cardboard and wood from local sources. When I was kid the team used to run out […]

We live in an area where outdoors living is a way of life. Hunting, fishing, riding trails are all part of people’s lives in one way or another. I have friends where their pastime of food gathering is like a second job to them, but without the stress. We’ve had bass tournaments in this area […]

Not all heroes wear capes, and they aren’t always in the movies or comic books. There are real life people helping others every day. There are those that dress up as a hero to entertain crowds, but they don’t get to act out in real life what they are portraying. Timothy White got to put […]

You may have seen the video of a Chick-Fil-A employee tackling a would be carjacker the other day. A dangerous and career felon was tackled by Thomas Gordon. Gordon had already chased this guy off once, but had to get physical when the criminal tried to carjack a mother who had her child with her. […]

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