Written by on September 21, 2023

I understand how much an Apple Watch costs compared to any watch you buy over the counter. They are very helpful as well in tracking your health, texting, and keeping up on information. So helpful. I have a Fit Bit myself. However, there are moments that if I lost that watch I would consider it lost for good. If it fell under the wheel of heavy equipment, if I lost it off the Cass Street bridge, if it fell in lava I’m going to let that watch go. One other possible scenario would be if I lost it down an outhouse toilet. Not my toilet at home, but down an actual outhouse. A woman in Michigan decided that wasn’t incentive enough for her to give up her Apple Watch so climbed into the toilet to try to retrieve it and got stuck down there. I’ve been able to see down in those pits and I’m gonna tell you folks that my watch would just be lost forever. No amount of cleaning could ever get me to wear it again. Ever. Also, climbing into one of those has got to be the least hygenic thing you could do in the history of ever. Gross.

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