Minnesota Vikings

In sports there is always the desire to “win now”. Every owner, team, coach, and player wants to win every game. With the current salaries in the NFL teams must plan for the future instead as they battle keeping their payroll below the salary cap. You will see some teams spend as much as they […]

We’ve come all the way back to start another season of wonder and worry with the Minnesota Vikings. it seems like just yesterday we were marveling at the team’s ability to make epic and historic comebacks even though their defense was abysmal at times. The playoff loss to the Giants at home still stings as […]

While it’s not as big as the NFL Draft or anywhere close to the Super Bowl in hype, the release of the NFL schedule is a big deal. Fans can start planning the games they want to attend, figure out their win/loss record, know when they should start trash talking their hated rivals, and plan […]

Paul Allen has been calling the play-by-play for the Minnesota Vikings for 20 years. He is the consummate sports fan and is a leading voice in the NFL. Over the years he has called some of the most infamous (Arizona Cardinals in 2003) and historic (Minneapolis Miracle 2017) Vikings calls in the team’s history. Even […]

We’ve seen this before – celebrity boxing. Two stars or former athletes get in the squared circle together to duke it out. Charity, exhibition, or a real beef with one another makes these things come together. Some of these have been laughable over the years and in some respects, this might be the same. However, […]

We get caught up in the athletic talent of players in professional sports all the time. Their ability to run, catch, jump, shoot, and hit are their general makeup. They show us what they can do physically, but a good number of them have other talents that we rarely see. Many athletes have forayed into […]

After a tragedy like the one in Uvalde, Texas it can be hard to know what to do. So many people want to find ways to help, but that can be difficult from long distances, or to make sure your donations are going to the correct people. Minnesota Vikings cornerback Kris Boyd, who is from […]

Bad Grant may never have gotten us the win in the Super Bowl, but that has never stopped the NFL Hall Of Fame coach from being the most loved coach in Vikings history. Bud is cut from the cloth of a time when a hard nosed coach got things done with hard work which made […]

The NFL has the formula for making it the biggest spectacle in sports. No matter if it’s the off season or middle of the regular season the NFL rules the airwaves. The draft has become a three day event, some people want the day after the Super Bowl made into a national holiday or moved […]

The NFL business model is to continue to expand the reach of professional football world wide. There are several countries that have semi-pro versions of American football, but nothing close to the NFL since the World League existed. Every year a couple games are played over there now where previously there was only one. Originally […]

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