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Every year we have a plethora of Country Music festivals to attend in the tri-states. Country Boom is right in our backyard while others are in relatively decent driving range for an overnight stay or two before heading back home. We love them! Have you ev4er talked about your absolute dream concert destination? Would it […]

Let me preface this post by saying that if the ambulance driver was just parked on break that maybe a different spot may have been a better idea. HOWEVER, emergency vehicles sometimes have to park in places that may seem inconvenient due to their size or for safety reasons. They don’t just park where they […]

I do my best to not assume people are a certain way just because of where they come from. While stereotypes are born of some levels of truth that doesn’t mean that everyone from a certain demographic fits that stereotype. This video doesn’t do anything to help with that theory. These are kids from Beverly […]

Yes, it’s true. There are moment s when Cotton Eyed Joe by Rednex should not be played. I know this is hard to understand that a sports arena or stadium staple has a time that it should be kept silent. Who made up such a ridiculous rule? Tennis. OK, during a tennis match there is […]

You know what’s horrible? People. People do bad things that don’t give a second thought as to how it affects someone else. Sometimes it’s parking in a spot you shouldn’t be in or not waiting your turn making other people late or miss an opportunity. These are rude actions that aren’t extremely devastating but can […]

Alzheimer’s, let’s talk about it a bit. If you’ve never experienced it then consider yourself uneducated. That’s the sad part about this disease not a lot of people know much about it and what’s worse some don’t want to. When someone we know moves slower, can’t remember things very well, or gets easily confused out […]

Records …. they are meant to be broken. Some can only be broken in certain areas or even countries. However, some are world wide accomplishments. Of course Guinness World Records is the official record keeper of the records and they tell us who has the best, biggest, longest, smallest, etc. in the world. This also […]

There are a bunch of ways to go viral. Maybe you have a funny or helpful video series that people subscribe to. They go there for your fun or informational stories that get them through their day. Imagine while already doing your viral thing a more viral thing happens to you. This sewing vlog got […]

We see a bunch of videos of people doing something wrong when they’re trying to transport items. Tie down straps put in unfortunate places, overloaded trailers, and weird animals in the vehicle are common place. Some make us wonder what the person was thinking when they came up with their plan to head down the […]

Sharks: they will eat you. That’s a scientific fact. If you’re in the water and see one you should do your best to get to shore where they can’t reach you. You should not go out into the shallow waters even as they have been known to go pretty close to the shore to get […]

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